National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

Presentation of the Tempus Project “Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization” results

Presentation of the Tempus Project “Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization” results was held at the National Tempus Office in Ukraine. In Ukraine the Project has been realized by the Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, with the participation of Carl von Ossietzky University, coordinator ( Germany), Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherland), University of Alicante (Spain), Nicolaus Copernicus University Torun (Poland), Belarusian State University (Belarus), Volgograd State University, Belgorod State University (Russian Federation), Zaporizhzhya National University (Ukraine), Yerevan State University, Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (Armenia), Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan).

Representatives of the Tempus Project “Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization” – Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Professor, Doctor Olexandr SHNYRKOV, Director of International Relation Office of the Carl von Ossietzky University Birgit BRUNS, M.A., and Representatives of the National Tempus Office in Ukraine – Director Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator Olena ORZHEL.

The main results of the Tempus Project “Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization” in accordance with assisting universities to strengthen their strategies of internationalization in compliance with quality assurance are:

- Good practices manual

- Training materials on enhances methodologies in internationalization

- QATMI booklet: Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization

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