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Samarkand branch Tashkent University of information technology, Uzbekistan, is looking for partners

1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:

Samarkand branch Tashkent University of information technology, Uzbekistan.

2. Main field of activities of your institution:

Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology was formed on July 23, 2005 in accordance with the President of Republic of Uzbekistan’s order PQ - 91 of June 2, 2005 "About improving the system of preparing cadres within information technologies domain", Ministry of Higher and secondary specialized education of Republic of Uzbekistan’s order 130 of June 14, 2005 "About confirming sample Charter of regional branches of higher education entities" and Uzbekistan Communication and Informatization Agency’s decree 07-8/2015 of July 21, 2005. There is one faculty and five departments in the branch. Informatics and information technologies branch has 30 full time equivalent employees, General education – 24.25, Natural Sciences – 18, Social-Humanitarian sciences – 14.25, Languages and physical education – 11.75.

The branch teaches 1100 bachelor students and 63 master students and has the following majors:

Informatics and information technologies (by industries);


Vocational training (Informatics and information technologies)

Technics and technology of providing a service (electronic and computer equipment)

Computer systems and their application programming (by industries)

Vocational training (Informatics and multimedia technologies)

3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project:

Creation of academic textbook system in inclusive education based on information and communication technologies

4. Project proposal/description:

Creating academic literature is important for inclusive education.

It includes creating special education programs taking into consideration students’ abilities, providing education system with informational and scientific-methodological support, working out template academic plans and syllabuses, arranging for publication of academic literature, compiling supplemental academic materials, utilizing methodology of academic institutions, improving it and organizing distance education methods.

In inclusive education creating education system encompassing preschool, general education schools, professional colleges, academic lyceums, higher education institutions, family and citizens living in neighborhood is of utmost importance. The purpose of this system is to provide education to a child at every stage from the birth and throughout the adolescence. In inclusive education it is necessary to devise academic literature system based on information and communication technologies (ICT) and organize education process accordingly.

Please contact:

Samarkand branch Tashkent University of information technology

Samtuit.uz, e-mail:el_kitob@rambler.ru, maxmud@samdu.uz

Research supervisor Chair of Informatics and information technologies prof. M.Kh.Lutfillayev , tel: +998937722207, +9988662322929, fakc: 9988662322929, e-mile: el_kitob@rambler.ru, maxmud@samdu.uz



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