National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Координаційний семінар в рамках проекту Темпус TRADIR

10-12 березня 2014 р. відбувся перший координаційний семінар в рамках проекту ЄС програми Темпус IV TRADIR.

В рамках проекту Темпус TRADIR «Training on Alternative Dispute Resolution as an Approach for Ensuring of Human Rights» (Навчання альтернативному вирішенню суперечок як підхід до забезпечення прав людини 543990-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR) з 10 по 12 березня 2014 р. в Університеті Потсдаму (Німеччина) був проведений перший координаційний семінар. В семінарі від України взяли участь представники Харківського національного університету імені В.Н.Каразіна, Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, Хмельницького університету управління та права. Також були присутні представники Білоруського державного університету, Білоруського республіканського союзу юристів, Університету Марії Кюрі-Склодовської, Вільнюського університету та Вищої школи імені Болеслава Марковського в Кельцах.

Тренінг з бізнес-планування Start-up проектів для членів консорціуму проекту TEMPUS SUCSID

17-21 березня 2014 року представники університету Монпел’є 2, Франція провели збори членів консорціуму проекту TEMPUS SUCSID в Інституті управління підприємствами (IAE) Університету.

Головною метою зустрічі було проведення інтенсивного тренінгу з дисципліни «Бізнес-планування Start-up проектів» для викладачів з партнерських країн.

Several project ideas related to the field of Tourism from the National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in Erasmus Plus project:

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (former National Academy of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv)

2. Main field of activities of your institution:

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv provides training in municipal management and economics, construction, transport, electricity, water and gas supply; ecology of cities, tourism and hotel business, improvement of ecological cleanliness of cities and towns.

3. Information about the intended project:

We are looking for partnership in projects targeted at:

a) Implementing active and interactive forms into the curriculum in Excursion services and providing tourist information services based on best practices of the EU;

b) Developing curricula for new specialization: Master of Design of Architectural Lighting Systems;

c) Implementing Management Reform and standardization of legislation and improving higher education in tourism for socially disadvantaged groups in the context of adjustment to EU standards:

d)  Improving higher education in tourism for socially disadvantaged groups in the context of adjustment to EU standards;

e) Obtaining Dual MA in Lighting and power Engineering

f)  Apart from this proposal we are ready to be a consortium member in other projects, related to the primary field of activities of our university

National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv is looking for partners

1. Name of your university interested in participating in project:

Primary Students’ Trade Union Organization of O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

2. Main field of activities:

Primary Students’ Trade Union Organization aims at defending and promoting the interests of the students of O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.

3. Information about the intended project:

The main idea of the project is the creation of a common educational space for the exchange of experiences between students in the implementation of their own projects and initiatives. This can be done through video conferencing, exchange programs, joint seminars, and communication via remote resources. The initial stage in the project should be teaching practical skills to students through management and leadership schools. The second stage - the development and implementation of students’ projects at the level of higher education institution, city, region, country and so on. The third stage - the formation of leadership and management skills.

We have similar schools in higher education institutions. We also have a distance learning course and a team of student leaders who are developing their own projects and help their colleagues in their development.


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Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development


Tempus Projects

During the I, II, III phases of the Tempus Program since 1993 to 2009 with active participation of the Ukrainian partners about 300 projects implemented. As the result of the six calls for proposals of Tempus IV 94 projects in Ukraine include 76 Joint Projects (including 12 national ones) and 18 Structural Measures (including 6 national ones).

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Manage Your Tempus Project

The key information important for project teams have been implementing the Tempus Projects is placed at the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agence (EACEA). Useful information and recommendations as well as announcements on the projects events are placed under the Manage your Tempus Project.

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Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus  is an education program of the European Union; it is aimed at increasing attractiveness of European higher education, fostering international cooperation, accelerating mobility for  university students, teachers and scholars in the EU and worldwide.

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