Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to Armenian-Ukrainian Tempus information session take place on 3 March 2010, at 15.00 in NTO-UA Bastionna str. 9, 8th floor, Kyiv Ukraine. The following themes will be discussed: - Current state of Armenian-Ukrainian cooperation within higher education; - Tempus regional priorities; - Hot topics in higher education reforms in both countries; - Feedback from University governance Tempus regional seminar (Kiev, 1-2 March 2010). We are looking forward to meeting you soon. If you would need any additional information, please contact Zhanna Talanova, NTO-Ukraine; Lana Karlova, NTO-Armenia
Благодарим Лану Карлову за прекрасную презентацию возсожностей сотрудничества в рамках программы Темпус. Для налаживания сотрудничества с университетами Армении приглашаем обращаться к Лане Карловой Национальный офис программы Темпус в Армении