Purpose, objectives and scope of the work of the National Teams
The purpose of the National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts is to provide a pool of expertise in certain areas to promote and enhance progress toward the Lisbon and Bologna objectives in the light of national needs and aspirations. The National Teams reinforce the international nature of the Lisbon and Bologna agenda and their external dimension.
The National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE team) has been selected and approved by the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and the Expectative Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture after the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine and communication of the National Tempus-office with candidates.
The following experts are included into the main list:
- First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Yuriy Kholin, Vice-Rector for Studies and Research, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Professor (expert in supervision and coordination of activity to ensure quality of teaching and adaptation to the requirements of the Bologna principles, university autonomy issues) (kholin@univer.kharkov.ua).
- Yuriy Rashkevych, Vice-Rector for Academic Work and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Professor (expert in ECTS implementation into Ukrainian Universities, modernization of University management, implementation of innovation technologies into HEI, international educational projects management) (rashkevyuriy@yahoo.com).
- Mykhailo Stepko,Acting Director of Institute of Higher Education, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the NAPS, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor (profound experience in Bologna principles harmonization with Ukrainian HE, author of Bologna Progress reports, HE legislation, articles and students textbooks in Bologna and Lisbon strategy fundamentals and implementation, management and administration in the sphere of higher education) (M_F_Stepko@ukr.net).
- Volodymyr Luhovyi, First Vice-President, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Full Member of the NAPS, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogics, Professor (expert in public policy and administration in higher education, education management; pedagogy of higher education, training of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical personnel and public servants, co-author of legislation documents in HE) (luhovyi@ukr.net).
- Sergiy Nesterenko, Vice-Rector, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Professor (experience in 3-cycle system, ECTS, E-learning, Diploma Supplement, Quality Assurance, international projects, university management) (sa_nesterenko@ukr.net).
- Andriy Stavytskyy, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, PhD in Economics (experience in ECTS, Quality Assurance, Economic modeling and forecasting, international projects) (a.stavytskyy@gmail.com).
- Rostislav Ryzkov, PHh.D. student, Head of the Students Parliament, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (experience in students self-governing, active member of Students Parliament, Head of student's committee of youth council at the head of the regional state administration) (Ros90@ukr.net).
- Vadym Zakharchenko, Vice-Rector Odessa National Maritime Academy, Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Professor (experienced in Quality Assurance, 3-cycle higher education system, National and European Qualification Frameworks, Developing study programs, ECTS, Diploma Supplement, Organization of study process) (zvn@onma.edu.ua).
- Anatoliy Garmash, Head of the International educational projects Sector, Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Bologna Follow-Up Group member, Master of Education (experience in Bologna reports preparation, preparation of recommendations and development of the national higher education policy documents in line with Bologna provisions) (a_garmash@mon.gov.ua).
- Oleksandr Kochubey, First Vice-Rector Oles’ Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor (expertise in Tricycle System of HE, University Autonomy, its Institutional and Legislative Realization, Organization of Teaching Process, Higher Education Quality Assurance) (akoch@dsu.dp.ua).
The overall context of the work carried out by the National Team is:
- Implementing the principles of the Lisbon and Bologna action lines as the introduction
of the framework for qualifications for innovative and transparent higher education.
- Lifelong learning strategy development through counselling to higher education
Within these broader objectives the National Team will, amongst other activities, provide counselling to higher education institutions on the following areas:
- Quality Assurance (internal and external)
- The Three Cycle System: curricular reform, national and European
- Qualification Frameworks (NQF/EQF), Tuning
- Recognition (ECTS, Diploma Supplement, Europass, Lisbon Recognition Convention)
Tasks of the experts
Tasks at national level
Higher Education Reform Experts will participate in the development of policy and reforms deriving from the Lisbon and Bologna agenda in their country. They may also be invited to devise Lisbon or Bologna development strategies with non-academic bodies such as industrial, cultural or social organisations as long as they are in line with national strategies.
At the institutional level, Higher Education Reform Experts will work on counselling and advising higher education institutions with regard to the introduction and implementation of the national and institutional Lisbon and Bologna strategy. In particular, they will provide assistance on the three areas above.
Experts with specialist knowledge and experience in aspects of Bologna priority areas may be requested to participate in the development of training activities for Higher Education Reform Experts in those areas.
Finally, Higher Education Reform Experts will be actively involved in all kinds of promotional and awareness-raising activities.
Tasks at international scale
a) National institutions which have need of specific counselling or expertise which is not available from the National Higher Education Reform Team of its own country may, via the National Tempus Office, request advice or in-situ assistance from Higher Education Reform Experts of another country.
b) From time to time the Commission may invite the national authorities to nominate Higher Education Reform Experts to design and deliver at international level training courses intended for other Experts who are actively involved in the promotion of Higher Education reforms in their own country. Such courses may be undertaken as plenary meetings involving members from all Higher Education Reform National Teams, or for specific groups of National Teams where synergies or logistics make such an approach preferable. |