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Tashkent State Institute of Railways Engineers is looking for partners

Name of university: Tashkent State Institute of Railways Engineers,

Brief description of university, faculty, department, number of students

Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport - university in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) to train specialists in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of railways. Founded in 1931. Until 1937 it was called the Central Asian Institute of Railway Engineers.

When the Great Patriotic War in Tashkent students and faculty were evacuated to the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, they were accepted to college and learning process continued. Students of the institute participated in the design of lines and branches, including branches at Almalyk mines, branch Kyzyl Tukumachi - Angren branch to Boysun and Shargun fields located at Hissar range. Students also participated in the construction of the eastern bypass of Tashkent station.

Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University is looking for partners

Republican Higher Educational Institution "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University" (CEPU) is an educational institution of IV accreditation level. CEPU was founded in 1993, under the program for the return of Crimean Tatars to their Motherland, their settlement and integration into Ukrainian society.

2. Main field of activities of the institution:

There are seven faculties which train bachelors, specialists and masters in more than 30 specialties:

Computer Science Faculty, Economics Faculty, Engineering Technology Faculty, Psychology and Pedagogy Faculty, Faculty of Arts (Music, Fine and Applied Arts ), Faculty of History and Philology, Faculty of Crimean Tatar and Turkish Philology

3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project:

We are ready to join any new projects related with engineering, computer science, history, philology, finance, economics, music, decorative and applied arts, pedagogy, psychology , applying modern information technologies in teaching process, development of distance education, etc.

Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University (ChTEI KNTEU) is looking for partners

1.Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:

Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University (ChTEI KNTEU)

2. Main field of activities of your institution:

ChTEI of KNTEU is the higher educational establishment, modern scientific and educational center of Bukovyna, which builds its work according to the European standards, preserving our educational traditions.

Пошук партнерів - контакти для ВНЗ України

До уваги вищих навчальних закладів України щодо пошуку партнерів для участі в програмі Темпус IV та Еразмус Мундус.

Повідомляємо, що Ваші форми пошуку партнерів було передано та розіслано всім офісам в державах-членах ЄС та країн партнерів ЄС.

НТО в України взяв участь в інформаціних днях програми Темпус у Франції, Фінляндії, Прибалтиці та Польщі, де також Ваші форми пошуку партнерів було передано. До Вашої уваги списки учасників Інформаціних Днів з контактною інформацією. Ви можете напряму написати е-листи представникам університетів та налагоджувати співпрацю.

Список учасників у Франції:

Список учасників у Фінляндії:

Список учасників з країн Прибалтики:

Додатково запрошуємо ознайомитись з презентаціями на сайтах заходів, де дуже корисна інформація обміну досвіду участі в проектах програми Темпус та Еразмус Мундус (

Бажаємо успіхів!

Donetsk National University is looking for partners

Name of your university: Donetsk National University (DNU) is powerful scientific and higher educational establishment of the East Ukraine which has highest IV grade accreditation.

DNU is interested to be a consortium member in TEMPUS projects (TEMPUS IV, 6th Call for Proposals).

Main field of activities of your institution:

Main fields of DNU include educational, methodological and scientific activities, as well as international cooperation. It offers academic programmes at all levels including undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate courses and post-doctoral studies.

The main aim of TEMPUS participation for DNU is to modernise existing higher educational system and bring it closer to the European standards of quality in education.


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