Brief description of University: Today, TTU ranks high in the scientific and technical complex of the Republic of Tajikistan. During the years of its existence the University has prepared more than 23 thousand engineers in various specialties for almost all sectors of the economy of the country. Preparation of highly skilled specialists at the University is based on the concept of multi-level training system, which allows taking into account the real needs, flexibility in the forms and methods of instruction and targeted approach to training.
The University comprises the following departments: Department of Energy, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Business and Management, Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Transportation, Faculty of roads and bridges, Number of Students – 4500;
Number of teachers-160. (among them teachers’ with Doctor Degree-14, teachers’ with Candidate of Science (Master’s Degree)-25.
From 1996-1997 academic year at TTU worker a technical college in Dushanbe and Polytechnic university in Khujand .
Tajik Technical University named after M. Osimi has a modern scientific and technical equipment, training and laboratory facilities, as well as experienced teaching staff, capable of solving complex problems facing the state. |
CEPU is a large regional scientific and educational complex, carrying out trainings for future, specialists on educational levels "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master" in 24 different areas: pedagogics, economics, informatics, engineering, philology, and art education.
Our university and our partners are looking for an organization-grant applicant for the following projects
Preparation of museum professionals, the history and development of museums.
The project proposal prepared by half
Partners: Universities of Italy (+NGO), Portugal, Latvia, Crimea & Odessa
Name of your university: Chair of public and municipal administration, economic faculty, Mordovian state university 68, Bolshevistskaya st., Saransk, Mordovia, Russia, 430005
Main field of activities of your institution: Preparing of high-skilled specialists and science researches in the spheres of public and municipal administration system; regional economy and management; management of public relations; management of territorial development; management of social sphere.
Previous international experience: Tempus Tacis Volgadoc project for the development of postgraduate formation in International and European law for the District of Volga.
Project proposal/description:
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Belarus) is interested in acting as a Partner University in joint TEMPUS projects in such areas as distance learning; joint Master's Programs in Sustainable Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Economy and Management; the development of international relationships between universities.
International Name of the Educational Institution: P.O. Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (since 1968).
The University: 7 Faculties - Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technological Faculty, Automation and Information Systems Faculty, Economics and Humanities Faculty, Power Engineering Faculty, Correspondence Faculty, Pre-University Faculty. 1 Institute – Upgrading and Retraining institute. 30 Departments - including 27 technical and 3 humanitarian Departments. 400 qualified instructors and lecturers - 172 of which have degrees of PhD or Doctor of Sciences. More than 4000 daytime students and more than 5000 correspondence students.
University's International Relationships: University of Trieste (Italy), University of Bergen (Norway), University of Geneva (Switzerland), Kaunas Technological University, Vilnius University (Lithuania), Lublin University, Financial Schools in Zamość and Warszawa (Poland), Bryansk Technlogical University (Russian Federation), National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), etc.
Research Areas: Sustainable Power Engineering and Ecology, Nanotechnologies, Micro- and Macro-Physics, Information Technologies, Nuclear Physics. |