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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Odessa National Maritime University is looking for partnership

1. Name of the University: Odessa National Maritime University

2. Main field of the activities of the University: Education: Bachelor, Master and PhD programs; scientific developments, researches in the fields of maritime transport, logistics, hydraulic engineering, risk management and environmental protection, information and communication technology.

5. Previous international experience:

ONMU collaborates with various Universities from different countries, such as Azerbaijan, Algeria, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Germany Greece, Georgia, Italy, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Norway, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Montenegro and Estonia and takes part in implementation of different international projects and programs:

The University takes part in the following projects:

1. FP 7 “Development of transport clusters and to ensuring the implementation of the strategic plan for joint actions on regional innovation policy for the six regions» (LOG4GREEN).

2. SEE “Accessibility improved at border CROSsings for the integration of South East Europe” (ACROSSEE).

3. CEI University Network Joint Programme “Development of European Multimodal Transportation and Environment Protection System for CEI Countries of Low Danube”.

4. Tempus-Tacis “Preparation of marine lawyers and economists in the field of European law”.

5. Tempus-Tacis „ Training specialists of maritime transport in transport management at OSMU”

6. 517374-Tempus-1-2011-1-RUTEMPUS-JPCR “Communication and Information technology for Improvement Safety and Efficiency of Traffic flows: EU-RU-UA Master and PhD Programs in Intelligent Transport Systems” (CITISET).

7. Erasmus Mundus “Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning” (EMMCMSP)

8. Erasmus Mundus “Alrakis 2”

9. EC EuropeAid: EC EuropeAid/127221/C/SER/MULTI “Розвиток управління морською безпекою, охороною від тероризму, запобігання забрудненню з суден для Чорного і Каспійського морів” (“Development of Security Management and Maritime Safety and Prevention for the Black Sea and Caspian Sea”) 31.08.2009 – 31.12.2011.

10. Joint Operational Programme “BLACK SEA 2007-2013” “Creation of Interuniversity centre for risk management and assessment for prevention of ecological and technological risks in the Black Sea “ (IUCRISKMAN).

Since June 2005 ONMU became the coordinating university in Ukraine University Network of the organization “Central European Initiatives”.

6. Please contact: Svitlana Glovatska, the Head of International Department

E-mail:; Tel./fax: +38 048 234 11 92


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