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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology looking for partners in several projects ideas

1. Name of our university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:

International name: The Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology (DAAT)

National name: Донецька академія автомобільного транспорту, Ukraine, Donetsk

2. Main field of activities of our university:

Main fields of DAAT’s activities are educational and scientific. DAAT provides European training for specialists in the road transport industry. DAAT has extensive academic and scientific relations with companies and organizations of Donetsk transport infrastructure in the sphere of staff’s training.

3. Information about the intended TEMPUS projects:

Project 1. «Independent accreditation agency in the transport engineer’s training system in Ukraine».

The aim of the project:

- study the experience of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI- based on the national accreditation centers net (ENAEE -;

- independent expertise quality system development for specialists’ training in the road transport industry of Ukraine;

- National Accreditation Center development on the basis of the Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology (DAAT) and the Ukrainian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations (UUSEA).

Project stages:

Stage 1. Analysis and selection of several engineering specialties in Ukrainian universities (those are most ready for the European accreditation). “Master Classes” (*in accreditation of these specialties) by efforts of the European participants (in the first 3-6 months of the project).

Stage 2. Training of Ukrainian professors for their future independent work as judges of the National Accreditation Center.

Stage 3. Accreditation of some additional Ukrainian engineering specialties by efforts of the Ukrainian experts under the supervision of the European joint partners (the final stage of the project).

Stage 4. Dissemination of information about the European Accreditation Program among the Ukrainian universities.

Stage 5. Creation of the Independent Ukrainian National Agency for Engineering Accreditation

 Project 2. Career center (employment agency) - a consortium of universities and employers.

The aim of the project:

- strategy development for the interaction between universities and enterprises-employers to provide job placement for graduates;

- development of successful specialist’s model based on the requirements of outsourcers;

- development of the included industrial training programs on the basis of employers’ request;

- development and implementation of training programs, retraining, profile expansion, lifelong learning programs;

- improvement of the road transport industry specialists’ quality on the basis of knowledge level’s monitoring in the learning process with the participation of employers.

 Project 3. Development of the European-Ukrainian master's program "Legal and Technological Management of Traffic Safety in the Metropolitan City".

- this program is relevant in connection with a high level of accidents on the Ukrainian roads;

- this program is based on the European experience of specialists in traffic management training;

- development of master's program for universal specialist who has the legal and technical qualifications in the field of traffic safety;

- development of training programs for lecturers and teachers of the European universities in the field of traffic management.

Project 4. Development of the European-Ukrainian master's program “Environmental Safety of Industrial Areas”

- this program is relevant in connection with high atmospheric pollution in Donbass.

- this program is based on the European experience study of the environmental safety of industrial plants and transportation of hazardous cargo.

- development of training programs for lecturers and teachers of the European universities in the field of environmental safety.

5. Previous international experience:

Our foreign partners:

• The International Society of Logistics (SOLE);

• International Association For Automotive And Road Engineering Education (IAAREE);

• The European Association for International Education (EAIE)

• Dresden University of Technology (Germany);

• Silesian University of Technology (Poland);

• Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden);

• Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic);

• Libera Università degli Studi Per L'innovazione e le Organizzazioni (LUSPIO (Italy);

• Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (Portugal), etc.

The international conferences, trainings of the teaching staff, students’ exchange, exchange of scientific and educational information were conducted within the framework of cooperation agreements with foreign universities.

In 2009-2011 the Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology took share in four Tempus IV projects as a partner university. These projects were recommended for the EU funding.

Project 5. Virtual International Student Club "Europe is Our Common Home".

The aim of the project:

- creation and maintenance of the Club’s Site "Europe is Our Common Home";

- young people involving to participation in the political and social life in partner countries;

- promotion of Ukraine's integration to the European Union by educating of Ukrainian youth on democratic values and ideals of the EU countries through the process of direct communication;

- development of cooperation between universities in European countries and universities in Ukraine at the level of student government organizations;

- formation of constructive and pragmatic attitude of youth to European integration of Ukraine;

- study of foreign languages in the medium of direct communication.

Project Международное научное сообщество студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Золотое сечение».

Цель проекта: - создание единого международного информационного пространства с целью обмена опытом организации и управления научно-исследовательской деятельностью студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых разнопрофильных университетов мира, обмена информацией о проводимых научных мероприятиях, возможных грантах, предложениях о создании и реализации совместных проектов, возможностях стажировок и программ обмена.

Этапы проекта:

Этап 1. Анализ существующих сайтов международных научных организаций и сообществ.

Этап 2. Создание сайта международного научного сообщества студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Золотое сечение».

Этап 3. Рассылка промо информации о сайте сообщества.

Этап 4. Регистрация университетов мира (все профили).

Этап 5. Осуществление технической поддержки сайта и его раскрутки.

Project 6. International Scientific Community of Students and Postgraduates «GOLDEN RATIO».

The aim of the project:

to create a single international informative space with the purpose of experience exchange in organization and management of students, postgraduates and young scientists research activities of different universities of the world, information exchange about the conducted scientific measures, possible grants, suggestions about creation and realization of joint projects, possibilities of internships and exchange programs.

Project stages:

Stage 1. Analysis of existent sites of international scientific organizations, associations, communities.

Stage 2. Creation of the International Scientific Community of Students and Postgraduates «GOLDEN RATIO» site.

Stage 3. Delivery of promo information about this site.

Stage 4. Registration of the world (all profiles) universities.

Stage 5. Realization of «GOLDEN RATIO» site’s technical support and its promotion.

6. Rector, prof. Irina Englezi, e-mail:,

7. TEMPUS Program Coordinator: Vice-rector, prof. Viktor Tkachenko,

e-mail:, skype: prof_tkachenko


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