National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

NGO “TERRA TAVRIDA” is looking for partners

1. Name of non-profit organization interested in participating in TEMPUS project:

NGO “TERRA TAVRIDA” , Crimea, Ukraine

2. Main fields of activities of your institution:

- Recent development of museums and museum;

- IT-tools in education;

- Programs of mobility;

- Reforms in education;

- Promote research and teaching activities of teachers, young scientists and students;

- Support the implementation of scientific, cultural and creative interests;

- Coordinate and assist in expanding the methods and tools for reliable and timely information exchange.


"Terra Tavrida" collaborates with scientists and university teachers and organizations in the USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, using personal time and other resources. The cooperation framework is constantly expanding, to work actively recruited student volunteers from Ukraine, Germany, Italy, India and Algeria.


Our organization is involved in Tempus projects (516721-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RO-TEMPUS-JPCR) and other programs, and we are open for cooperation.

additional info in attach:

3. Our organization is interested in participating in projects in areas:

- Reform of the educational process;

- Museums and museums;

- Establish mechanisms for effective response to global threats;

- Active participation in the coverage problems of humanity, JIT-reaction;

- Distance learning teaching; virtual university;

- Information security, technology and tools.

- Ethical, cultural and legal aspects of information technology.

Contacts: Rustem Umerov, Chairman of NGO “Terra Tavrida”




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