National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University is looking for partners

1. Name of your university interested in participating in Tempus project:

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Lugansk, Ukraine)

2. Main field of activities of your institution: educational, methodological and scientific work, international cooperation.

The University comprises 24 institutes and faculties. The University holds a total of 28100 students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels on 124 specialties (widest range in Ukraine), including philosophy. The University welcomes foreign students, which accounted for a total of 1120 students. It also has 1440 faculty members including 184 professors. Crimea department on Black Sea shore consists of branches with recreation opportunities. University web-site:

3. Information about the intended Tempus project:

Our university are willing to actively participate in the preparation of the project application on Structural Measures (Higher Education and Society), priorities "Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation" and "Development of lifelong learning in society at large”.

Title: Improving the quality of higher education as part of lifelong learning through comprehensive analysis of the knowledge triangle education-research-innovation.

Main goal: to develop guidelines for the use and improvement of knowledge triangle education-research-innovation in lifelong learning.

Key activity: creating of network of workshops to discuss the methodological problems of education (including lifelong learning), research and innovation.

4. Project proposal/description:

One of the results of the project may be an understanding of the importance of innovation, not only on their own, but also the speed of their implementation, and development of recommendations on it. Also, education in the modern world should encourage non-linear trajectory of learning and should provide an opportunity to realize the widest range of students' abilities. It will be important to analyze the role of social media in education. The most significant thing is how to transit from education system, aimed at storing knowledge (that with the online search engines expansion become less relevant) to the creative learning, combined with research and innovation (which corresponds to Magna Charta Universitatum).

We have a highly skilled Tempus project management team. Experts in the areas of education, research and innovation from our Institute of Philosophy willing to participate in the preparation of application for funding.

5. Previous international experience:

Our Tempus team has experience managing of the following projects:

1. CD-JEP-23125-2002 “Training specialists in European Studies”.

2. 144641-TEMPUS-2008-FI-JPCR ”International networking for modernization of tourism education and developing academic mobility (INTOUR)”.

Please contact: Yuriy Dyachenko, Head of Center of European and American Studies,

e-mail:, tel.: +380(50)558-15-03.


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