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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland, is looking for partners

Project type: Joint Projects

Action: Curricular Reform

Project title: Towards modern education in Eastern Europe – economy and psychology curricular reform

Main objectives

I. An increase of didactic potential of partner higher education institutions from Eastern Europe through modernization, development and implementation of joint curriculums within two majors: economics and psychology.

II. Internationalization of didactic process via international cooperation and implementation joint teaching programmes with the use of modern teaching methods (e-learning).

III. Establishment and development of international cooperation between EU and non EU universities via implementation joint teaching programmes and organizing joint events: international seminars for academic staff, international conferences concerning joint scientific interests.

Specific objectives

I. Joint work (using knowledge, experience and potential of EU universities) on teaching programmes within two majors: economics and psychology. This will be preceded by consultations with business representatives (entrepreneurs) in a way which helps to tailor the curriculums to needs present on partner countries labor markets.

II. An increase of attractiveness of partner universities and increase of teaching quality through joint work on programmes, a part of which will be taught in English. This will help to increase educational offer of partner universities and increase recognition on international education market – more mobility of students and staff (both inward and outward)

III. An increase of language competences amongst: partner universities students (who will participate in classes led in English language) and academic staff (who will led classes in English according to new curriculums). Before preparation and implementation of new teaching programmes in English language, foreign language support for academic staff will be ensured in order to familiarize them with specialist, branch language and to increase their communication in English language. Language support will be provided by experienced, English language lectors.

IV. An increase of chances and competitiveness of students from Eastern Europe on European labor market.

Project results

 New curriculums, worked with the help of EU universities, tailored to needs of European labor market,

 An increase of competitiveness of non EU universities – modernization and implementation of modern solutions,

 An increase of competitiveness and employment chances of students from: economics and psychology, participating in seminars led according to new teaching programmes,

 Experience share between EU and non EU universities,

 An increase of an international cooperation and possible future cooperation in different fields of education

Roles of partners


- experience share regarding teaching programmes in majors: economics and psychology,

-supervision and substantive help for non EU universities in work on teaching programmes,

- organization of study visits and demonstrational les sons/seminars,

- assessment and suggested corrections of new teaching programmes - close cooperation with EU universities,

non-EU partners  

- work on and consulting with EU universities teaching programmes from: economics and psychology,

- participation in study visits,

- participation of didactic staff in language support (English language) – according to above mentioned scheme,

- implementation of teaching programmes,


Jacek Lis, International project assistant

University of Economics and Innovation

Mełgiewska 7-9 street

20-209 Lublin

tel: +48 81 749 32 39, fax: +48 81 749 32 39, email:


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