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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Department of Management and Marketing is looking for partners

Department of Management and Marketing at National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute») is very interested in participating in joint projects under the program "Tempus" as a partner.

The Departments Range of our interests is as follows:

  • Modernization of Curricula with Economic Disciplines;
  • Triangle Approach (education - research - innovation);
  • Implementation of European Standards of Education in teaching Economic disciplines.
  • A combination of higher education in the real world sector of the economy.

Contact: prof. Simchenko Nataly, Department of Management and Marketing of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

 Phone. +380501087269 E-mail:

03056, Kyiv, Peremohy Ave., 37, building 1, of. 246-1

1. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU «KPI») is a leading Educational Institution in the Ukraine, founded in 1898. The University is located in Kiev, the Ukraine's capital.

2. The Department of Management and Marketing at KPI prepares Bachelors, Masters, PhD and Doctors of Economic Specialties (has Specialized Academic Councils for PhD and Doctor’s Defense). The department has 1169 students, among them there are 68 of foreign study at the facility.  Staffing of employees includes over 173 people, among them 114 Doctors and PhDs of Sciences. More information about us can be found at: / / ua / about_us.

3. The Department of Management and Marketing carries out research under the Ukrainian government offices of Ministry of Science and Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

4. The Department also has experience with international projects, such as the Consortium Commissioned by the Commission of the European Communities, 2009-2011.  Within this project research on the topic of, "Creating Regional Innovation and Development through Basic Organization and World: Developing mutual regional comparison in an international context” was preformed.

The Department of Management is a member of the Swedish-Ukrainian project "Linnaeus-Palme Program 2011-2012”. The partner for this project is Kungl. Tehniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden.

Department of Management and Marketing and the Facility of Economics of the University of Maine (Universite du Main), France is working together on a dual master's degree. This work is carried out in accordance with an agreement signed by the two institutions.  According to this agreement of September 2009, Ukrainian students went to the University of Maine to study and receive double master's degrees. Students of KPI enrolled in the Master's program at the Facility of Economics University of Maine. This project is also planning to develop dissertations that will be performed under the dual leadership between NTUU "KPI" and University of Maine in Economic Research. The Economic Research Laboratory at the University of Maine was awarded Second Place in the region among research centers in economics, 2010.


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