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National University of Ostroh Academy, 2 partner search proposals

Proposal 1

1.National University of Ostroh Academy

College of Political and Informational Management

Department of Document Studies and Informational Management

2. The range of the areas of scientific researches of the Department of Document Studies and Informational Management include research of informational systems, influence of mass-media on a person, analysis of texts and textual information. The scientific topic on which the instructors of the Department work is “Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Understanding of Cultural Texts”.

3. Project proposals and direction for cooperation are: theory of practice of social communications (advertising and PR-communications); informational and analytical support of documentary flow in an organization; informational management of state institutions and NGOs; informational and analytical activities of informational centers and mass-media.

Contacts: Department of Document Studies and Informational Activities, Julia Maslova,

Proposal 2 

  1. National University of Ostroh Academy/ Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Studies / Cognition Lab (Ukraine);
  2. Memory and metamemory research: an investigation of metamemory perspectives in education (learning), perception and social cognition;
  3. We are looking forward to cooperate with other institutions for sharing our experience in the metacognitive approach, to develop new methods for highlighting the role of metacognitive processes in everyday life and education;
  4. Research object - metamemory of an individual. Aim of the research - studying the psychological specialties of an individual's metamemory monitoring influence on the predicative validity of memorizing, retrieving and storage of the learning material in the higher educational establishments' students. Implementing the research results to the learning process. It has been established that an individual's metamemory plays an important role in the pedagogical process. Planning of any learning activity, assessment of the level of learning material processing and memorizing are the main tasks of metacognition. Metamemory is a complex process that accompanies memory processes. Metamemory monitoring is one of the basic processes of tracking the level of memorizing, storing and probability of productive retrieval of the information. Metamemory judgments are intended conclusions about the probability of retrieving the information that is being memorized or stored in memory. Predicative validity of metamemory judgments is a characteristic that displays correlation between the level of subjective confidence in the correctness of retrieval and the level of objective retrieval rate. Adequate predicative validity of metamemory monitoring displays the maximal correspondence of subjective knowledge about memory functioning and the objective result of retrieval. The research work is aimed at detailed learning of the psychological specialties that cause information distortion by metamemory and low predicative validity of metamemory monitoring in the higher educational establishments' students in order to develop recommendations for improving the information learning. In the course of the study the main specialties that cause the low predicative validity of metamemory were established: interference, testing effect, cue-overload effect. In addition, in the scope of the work other psychological specialties that influence the metamemory predicative validity in the higher educational establishments' students were defined, such as cognitive processes that are basic for metamemory judgments, level of an individual's self-esteem, motivation, etc. Depending on the research results, we can deepen our knowledge about the psychological specialties of the mentioned phenomena. Predicative supposal about research object development - the results of the research work will allow to explain the reasons and drawbacks of the students' learning activity and to develop recommendations that will facilitate the learning process optimization, aimed at a more productive learning, storage and retrieval of learning material by the higher educational establishments' students.
  5. Since 2009 Cognition Lab was and still is working on common project with Memory and Metacognition Lab (Stockholm University, Sweden) via Fredrik Jönsson (PhD, Principal Investigator).

Please contact for further information:

Viktoriia Voloshyna, e-mail:, skype: voloshyna_vita, tel.: +3 8 097 800 7553


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