National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Опубліковано дослідження ЮНЕСКО «Тенденції у світовій вищій освіті: спостерігаючи за академічною революцією»

Опубліковано дослідження ЮНЕСКО «Тенденції у світовій вищій освіті: спостерігаючи за академічною революцією» («Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an academic revolution»), що було оприлюднене на черговій Всесвітній конференції ЮНЕСКО з питань вищої освіти в липні 2009 р. в Парижі

2009 Selection Results for the Jean Monnet Programme, Key Activity 1

The final list of proposals recommended for Community funding under the LLP Jean Monnet Programme, Key Activty 1 was adopted by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on 19 June 2009. The complete list of projects.

The project of DONETSK STATE UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT Module "European social policy and models of social partnership" EU Political and Administrative Studies is among recommended proposals.

JEAN MONNET CONFERENCE 2009 "20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme"

The Jean Monnet Conference took place in Brussels in the European Commission's Charlemagne building on 7-8 September 2009.

The Conference was entitled "20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme".

Pre-departure seminar for Erasmus Mundus students

On July 17 2009, the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine hosted a pre-departure seminar for Ukrainian students who won scholarships to take an Erasmus Mundus master course in prominent European universities.  

This pre-departure seminar was organized by Erasmus Mundus Association, Intercultural Network, a consultative agency from Passau,  Germany, and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine.   Other participants included: Erasmus Mundus alumni; diplomats representing Embassies of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain; National Tempus Office in Ukraine, representatives of international organizations and NGOs working in the education area.

Erasmus Mundus Association – the Official Network for Students and Alumni of Erasmus Mundus Master Courses – was represented by Anna Butenko, President of the CIS and Mongolia Regional Chapter, a former student of Erasmus Mundus “Euroculture” master course, currently – a lobbyist for the Dutch branch of a European gas infrastructure company.


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Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development


Tempus Projects

During the I, II, III phases of the Tempus Program since 1993 to 2009 with active participation of the Ukrainian partners about 300 projects implemented. As the result of the six calls for proposals of Tempus IV 94 projects in Ukraine include 76 Joint Projects (including 12 national ones) and 18 Structural Measures (including 6 national ones).

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Manage Your Tempus Project

The key information important for project teams have been implementing the Tempus Projects is placed at the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agence (EACEA). Useful information and recommendations as well as announcements on the projects events are placed under the Manage your Tempus Project.

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Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus  is an education program of the European Union; it is aimed at increasing attractiveness of European higher education, fostering international cooperation, accelerating mobility for  university students, teachers and scholars in the EU and worldwide.

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