National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Pre-departure seminar for Erasmus Mundus students

On July 17 2009, the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine hosted a pre-departure seminar for Ukrainian students who won scholarships to take an Erasmus Mundus master course in prominent European universities.  

This pre-departure seminar was organized by Erasmus Mundus Association, Intercultural Network, a consultative agency from Passau,  Germany, and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine.   Other participants included: Erasmus Mundus alumni; diplomats representing Embassies of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain; National Tempus Office in Ukraine, representatives of international organizations and NGOs working in the education area.

Erasmus Mundus Association – the Official Network for Students and Alumni of Erasmus Mundus Master Courses – was represented by Anna Butenko, President of the CIS and Mongolia Regional Chapter, a former student of Erasmus Mundus “Euroculture” master course, currently – a lobbyist for the Dutch branch of a European gas infrastructure company.

The seminar agenda was comprised of the presentation of Erasmus Mundus Association, its mission, goals, structure and functions; introduction of the National Tempus Office in Ukraine; meeting with representatives of embassies of EU member states who briefed  students on the basic requirements to international students in their countries; Questions & Answers session and exchange of  personal experience by Erasmus Mundus alumni who recently completed their master courses  in European universities.  

But the most prominent part of the pre-departure seminar was an Intercultural Workshop conducted by Natalia Spartakova, an Erasmus Mundus alumni who is currently employed as an Intercultural Consultant by InterCUltural network (ICU), a consultancy firm in Passau, Germany.   

More information about Erasmus Mundus Association at

More information about the ICUnet at  their web-site: 


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