National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Программы совместных дипломов: посредник в интернационализации университета

В Варшаве 9-10 мая 2013 г. в рамках проекта ЕС INTERUV состоялась первая региональная конференция «Программы совместных дипломов: посредник в интернационализации университета». Конференция собрала более 100 участников из стран ЕС и стран-партнеров.

Ирина Сикорская, заведующая международным отделом Донецкого государственного университета управления, поделилась впечатлениями участия в конференции, она отметила, что участники конференции обсуждали вопросы реализации совместных программ, делились своим опытом и хорошими практиками.

INTERUV - это европейский проект - инициатива Эразмус Мундус офисов из 15 европейских стран (Австрия, Чешская Республика, Эстония, Финляндия, Франция, Греция, Венгрия, Италия, Латвия, Нидерланды, Норвегия, Польша, Испания, Словакия и Великобритания).

Conclusion of the mid-term evaluation of the Tempus IV programme - "A highly relevant programme that significantly contributes to higher education reform in the Partner Countries"

The recently published mid-term evaluation of the Tempus IV programme confirms that Tempus is reaching its objectives, by fostering cooperation, building capacities and contributing to reforms in countries surrounding the EU. The new features introduced under Tempus IV clearly enhance the impact of the programme and the new management set-up is seen as highly beneficial to the programme performance. The programme's bottom-up approach is considered as one of the key factors for its success.

The Tempus programme is an education cooperation programme promoting higher education modernisation and development in the neighbouring countries of the EU. The programme funds cooperation projects in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Southern Mediterranean region. Since 1990, the EU has made available 1.5 billion EUR, funding nearly 4000 cooperation projects. These projects last from two to three years and aim to introduce long term structural change, as well as to encourage people-to-people contacts and intercultural understanding.

EU programme management backstage

Working with partners outside the EU.

While the above programmes are managed from Brussels, their global reach means that we work closely with a number of partners in non-EU countries. EU Delegations act as the eyes, ears and mouthpiece of the EU towards authorities and population in their host countries. A range of associations play a key role in promoting and representing EU programmes world-wide.

Klaus Haupt, Head of the Tempus Programme Unit at EACEA, gives an insight into how his team works with National Tempus Offices.

Details available at:

Resource: EACEA web-site

Національна стратегія розвитку освіти в Україні на 2012-2021 р.

Уряд розглянув та схвалив Національну стратегію розвитку освіти в Україні на 2012-2021 роки, яку пропонується затвердити відповідним Указом Президента України. Це питання розглядалося на засіданні Кабінету Міністрів 10 вересня 2012 року.

Документ розроблено з метою вдосконалення правових та організаційних засад розвитку освіти в Україні. До розробки стратегії долучилися практично всі освітянські колективи, громадськість, від яких надійшло майже 6 тисяч пропозицій, зауважень, звернень, які були проаналізовані та враховані в проекті Національної стратегії розвитку освіти. Документ було розглянуто та схвалено минулого року на III Всеукраїнському з’їзді працівників освіти.

Final versions of Tempus Studies are available

We would like to inform you that the final versions of the following publication:

- Human Resource Management in Public Higher Education in the Tempus Partner Countries 2012, a Tempus Study, Issue No 10: English version only,
- State of Play of the Bologna Process in the Tempus Partner Countries 2012, a Tempus Study, Issue No 9: EN, FR, and RU versions,

are now available on EACEA website:

You should receive paper copies of these documents shortly after the summer break, probably in September.


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Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development


Tempus Projects

During the I, II, III phases of the Tempus Program since 1993 to 2009 with active participation of the Ukrainian partners about 300 projects implemented. As the result of the six calls for proposals of Tempus IV 94 projects in Ukraine include 76 Joint Projects (including 12 national ones) and 18 Structural Measures (including 6 national ones).

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Manage Your Tempus Project

The key information important for project teams have been implementing the Tempus Projects is placed at the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agence (EACEA). Useful information and recommendations as well as announcements on the projects events are placed under the Manage your Tempus Project.

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Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus  is an education program of the European Union; it is aimed at increasing attractiveness of European higher education, fostering international cooperation, accelerating mobility for  university students, teachers and scholars in the EU and worldwide.

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