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Tempus project «Improvement of education in the field of environmental management»: successes and achievements

Tempus project «Improvement of education in the field of environmental management» (Grant Agreement Nr 144746-TEMPUS-2008-RU-JPCR) started on the 15th of January, 2009. Project duration is 3 years, total budget - 1133460 EUROs, including EC grant - 1080489 EUROs. Consortium consists from 13 partners from 9 countries: five EU-member states and four Partner-countries (for more details see Coordinator of the project is Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. Ukrainian partners are V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (KKNU), Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University (TNU), Ukrainian scientific and Research Institute of Ecological Problems and ETB-Technology Trade Ltd.

In the framework of Tempus project April 11-17, 2011 Prof. John Kiousopoulos (Spatial Analysis Laboratory, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece) visited V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The key aim of the visit was reading the lectures on the topic Spatial Planning in Hellas, Legislation & Milestones [with References in E. U.] for students and teachers of the School of Ecology.

Also during Prof. John Kiousopoulos’s visit April 14, 2011 official opening of the Classroom for the interactive learning was organized. Prof. Zarif F. Nazirov (Vice-President for International Cooperation (Research and Education), KKNU) launched it. The creation of the classroom is one of the key project output. Representatives from the School of Ecology and other Schools, as well as Tempus project partners were present on the ceremony. Internet-conference with team from Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University was carried out; during the conference partners exchanged their opinions concerning project progress, also equipment and distance learning system were checked. The Classroom will be used in educational process for on-line lectures, internet-conferences and other events, demanding special equipment and software.


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