National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Tempus in Ukraine Outlines

Ukraine joined TEMPUS on 29 April 1993. At that period the program focused on improvements of university governance and management, upgrading old curricula and developing new course and programs, professional development of teachers, especially in the such disciplines as economics, foreign languages, social science, European studies and law.

Ukrainian higher education institutions actively participated in the TEMPUS program from the very beginning.  Therefore, it is only reasonable that currently TEMPUS projects are being implemented in most regions of Ukraine. Over that period, Ukrainian universities have demonstrated their commitment to reforms and strong dedication to the development of higher education, introduction of innovative approaches and state-of-the-art technologies in the educational field.

During the third phase of TEMPUS program in 2000-2006 the shift occurred to new priorities and new disciplines came into the focus of the program. Ukraine’s participation in TEMPUS III program coincided with its aspirations to join the European Higher Education Area in line with Bologna process, which was reflected in the projects. As to the list of priority disciplines for that period of time, it included in addition to economics and business management, agrarian science, ICT and environment.  

Starting from 2000, participation in the TEMPUS projects is broadened beyond higher education institutions and is opened to companies, non-governmental and non-for-profit organizations, authorities.   Accordingly, among participants of the TEMPUS projects in Ukraine, we can find the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,  Ministries of Education and Science, Environmental Protection, Agricultural Policy, regional state administrations, municipalities, entrepreneurs’ associations and students’ unions,   agricultural companies, ports and research institutes.

Currently, the priorities and directions of the TEMPUS program in Ukraine are directly linked to the advancement of the Bologna process. 

As a consequence of TEMPUS projects, new courses and curricula were developed that meet the current requirements of Ukrainian labour market. University teachers confirm that cooperation with European colleagues within the TEMPUS project enabled them to obtain new knowledge, master new teaching skills and evaluation techniques, which resulted in greater competitiveness of their universities, improved their status and standing.    

On the whole, the TEMPUS program facilitated internationalization of Ukrainian universities, helped to establish long-term partnerships between them and their European counterparts that did not stop after project completion, and assisted with initiation of new research projects or exchange programs. On many occasions, TEMPUS projects helped to set up a dialogue between higher education institutions and Ministry of Education and Science or its regional branches; between faculty and administration; between employers, teachers and students.   

Not all Ukrainian universities have implemented Bologna principles and transferred to a three-cycle education system.  But those universities where changes have taken place and whose curricula fully meet the recommendations of Bologna process link their progress and success to TEMPUS projects participation.  

Within the framework of the TEMPUS I, II, III programs from 1993 to 2006, about 300 TEMPUS projects were implemented in Ukraine

As part of Tempus Programme, more than 300 projects have been financed in Ukraine between 1994 and 2013, including about 166 Joint Projects, 40 Structural Measures, and about 100 Individual Mobility Grants. More than 85 million funds invested by EU to Ukraine for 20 years of Tempus Programme implementation in Ukraine.
Based on results of six Tempus IV calls for proposals involving Ukrainian partners, the EU has financed 94 projects: 12 projects in the 1st call (overall consolidated budget being about EUR 11 m), 12 in the 2nd (about EUR 11 m), 5 in the 3rd (about EUR 5 m), 9 in the 4th (about EUR 9 m), 23 in the 5th (about EUR 22 m) and 33 in six call (about EUR 32 m). A strong impulse enhancing interest in the Programme and, accordingly, resulting in a growing number of project applications was provided by considerable increase in financing for the Tempus IV projects in 2011 and 2013 for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine within the Eastern Partnership policy framework. The Tempus IV 94 projects in Ukraine include 76 Joint Projects (including 14 national ones) and 18 Structural Measures (including 6 national ones).

Information about participation of Ukraine in Tempus.

Review of higher education in Ukraine
Higher education reviews are prepared by National Tempus Offices in the partner countries. The European Commission takes no responsibility for the content of these reviews
Description of projects funded under Tempus I and II in Ukraine
Description of projects funded under Tempus III in Ukraine
Description of projects funded in 2008-2013 under Tempus IV in Ukraine

All Publications on Tempus
Brief summary of Tempus impact study in Ukraine
Mr Felix Rohn from the Tempus Unit of DG Education and Culture gives an interview to Ms Natalya Vikulina of Radio Liberty on higher education cooperation between the EU and Ukraine. It can be read (in Ukrainian) by following this address: And listened to, by following the address below. The user must select the date of 25.07.2006 and the hour of 18:00. The interview itself is reproduced from minute 21.33 to minute 25.16.

As part of Tempus Programme, more than 300 projects have been financed in Ukraine between 1994 and 2013, including about 166 Joint Projects, 40 Structural Measures, and about 100 Individual Mobility Grants. More than 85 million funds invested by EU to Ukraine for 20 years of Tempus Programme implementation in Ukraine.

Темпус і Болонський процес

Для Європейського Союзу Болонський процес є одним з маршрутів на шляху до створення «Європи знань». Як освітня програма Темпус, так і участь ЄС у Болонському процесі узгоджуються із загальними стратегічними напрямами розвитку ЄС, визначеними в Лісабонській стратегії. Відповідно, цілі програми Темпус і цілі Болонського процесу перетинаються, підсилюючи одна одну та створюючи ефект синергії. Запровадження основних положень Болонського процесу передбачає врахування національних підходів до організації навчання, змісту освіти, традицій у підготовці майбутніх фахівців з вищою освітою.

Вітання зі святами та 20-ю річницею програми Темпус в Україні!

Шановна велика родино ентузіастів програми Темпус!

Вітаємо Вас із травневими святами та 20-ю річницею запровадження програми Темпус в Україні!

Дякуємо за Вашу відданість програмі, професіоналізм, цілеспрямованість, працездатність, відповідальність, постійний творчий пошук, виняткові навички міжкультурного спілкування та ведення переговорів, ініціативність, інноваційність, оптимізм, здатність надихати й підтримувати учасників проекту, вміння досягати результатів, командний підхід, дотримання правил поширення цінностей програми Темпус та волю до перемоги.

Бажаємо, щоб здійснилися Ваші творчі задуми, справдилися сподівання, реалізувалися плани.

Щоб Вам завжди вистачало часу на виконання усіх творчих задумів і планів, все і всі сприяли  здійсненню усіх Ваших мрій.

Сподіваємось, що нові програми відкриють нові можливості.

Нехай зростає міжнародна освітянська – спільнота, й у кожного з нас буде більше щирих друзів, надійних партнерів, довіри й любові.

Щиро дякуємо всім учасникам конференції за активну участь!

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З повагою, команда НТО в Україні


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