Вітаємо Вас з ювілеєм Програми Темпус! У 2010 р. Програма Темпус святкувала 20 річницю діяльності! До Програми Темпус Україна приєдналася в 1993 р. До Вашої уваги публікація EACEA до 20 річниці програми Темпус "Tempus@20" англійською, французькою, німецькою, російською мовами на сайті Виконавчого агентства ЄС з освіти, аудіовізуальних засобів і культури http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/tools/publications_en.php Матеріали конференції до 20-ї річниці розміщено на сайті http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/events/tempus_20_ministerial_conference.php Ви можете ознайомитись з історією програми, досягненнями, здобутками, напрацюваннями освітян у результаті тісної співпраці вищих навчальних закладів країн-ЄС та країн-партнерів щодо модернізації вищої освіти. Дякуємо проектним командам, які поділились досвідом, деяка інформація та фото є в публікації. Додатково, НТО в Україні опублікував ІнфоБокс № 5 Tempus@20 (http://www.tempus.org.ua/uk/korysna-informacija/publikaciji/238-infobox-5-tempus20.html), який можна отримати в офісі. Сайт та матеріали конференції до 20 річниці участі Укарїни у програмі: http://www.tempus.org.ua/uk/tempus-ukrajina-20.htmlВітаємо ще раз з річницею!Дякуємо Вам за активну участь у модернізації вищої освіти України! Сподіваємося на подальшу співпрацю та підтримку! До Вашої уваги коротко історія розвитку Програми Темпус (англійською мовою): Believe it or not, Tempus was 20 years old in 2010. Tempus was established in 1990, shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall, to help the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to become modern and prosperous democracies. In the mid-1990s after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, the Tempus Programme was extended to the New Independent States and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. In 2000, the Programme celebrated its tenth anniversary, and a series of activities were organised and publications funded ('Tempus@10'). Since then, the programme has been extended further to the 10 Partner Countries in the MEDA region. In addition, 10 of the former Tempus Partner countries, partly due to the success of their reform efforts, have now acceded to become members of the EU themselves. The following time-line gives a brief overview of the Tempus programme throughout its 20 years... 1990 1 July - The trans-European mobility scheme for university studies (hereinafter referred to as Tempus) was adopted by the Council, ‘within a perspective of five years, for an initial pilot phase of three years.’ This first phase of the Tempus programme was launched to respond to the modernisation needs of the higher education sector in Central and Eastern European countries, following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Countries: Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia (from 1993 as Czech and Slovak Republics). 1991 Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia entered Tempus for 1991 only. 1992 Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Albania were added to the Partner Countries Tempus worked with. 1993 29 April - The second phase of the Trans-European Cooperation Scheme for Higher Education, Tempus II, was adopted by the European Council for a period of 4 years as of 1 July 1994. Partner Countries included during 1993 were Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belarus. 1994 1 July - Tempus II started. Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan became Partner Countries. 1995 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Mongolia entered Tempus. 1996 Tempus II was extended in 1996 so that activities could continue until 2000. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan were included in the programme. 1999 29 April - The Council adopted the third phase of the Trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education (Tempus III) for the period from 2000-2006. 2000 1 July - Tempus III was initiated. 5 December - The Cards Regulation of 5 December 2000 amends the Tempus III Decision to include the participation of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and sets out the framework for Community assistance to the Western Balkans 2002 27 June - On the basis of its proven strengths, the geographic scope of the Tempus Programme was formally enlarged by the Council to include the Mediterranean region. In addition, the duration of the Programme was extended until 31 December 2006 to bring it into line with other Community programmes in the field of education and training. 2006 31 December - Tempus III comes to and end. 2008 January: launching of Tempus IV (2007-2013) Tempus IV was initiated to cover the 2007 – 2013 period and results from a positive impact study which recognised that Tempus was an important instrument for supporting higher education reforms in the Partner Countries. Israel joins the programme as a new partner country. 2009 April: Management of the programme is transferred from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture to the Executive Agency for Education, Culture and Audiovisual (EACEA) in Brussels. 2010 Croatia leaves the programme, but only for a brief period, to join again when it becomes an official Member State of the European Union. Libya joins the programme as a new partner country. 2011 Serbia hosts Conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary. A Tempus@ 20 Study. 2012 Discussions on Tempus achivements and future 2013 Ukraine celebrates 20th anniversary with Tempus and Tempus IV fase all calls for proposals finilazed. New EU programme Erasmus+ is expected to continue best practice of Tempus, Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Jean Monnet, EduLink, Alfa to be launched from January 2014-2020. Переклад та матеріали підготовлено в рамках проекту ЄС "Національний Темпус-офіс в Україні" для безкоштовного розповсюдження і використання, посилання на джерело є обов'язковим (виконавець С.Шитікова)