International University of Economics and Humanities named after academician Stepan Demianchuk ( is the higher educational establishment that got IV level of accreditation (the highest). For the last 20 years university trained more than 18 000 specialists. The educational process in the university is provided by highly skilled teaching staff: 138 Professors, Doctors of Science, Associated Professors, Candidates of Science (PhD).
High education organized in three levels – Bachelor, Master and Doctors studies.
The university trains high-skilled specialists in finance, economics of an enterprise, management, marketing, informatics, applied mathematics, tourism, English language and literature, history, law, advertising and PR, journalism, communication & media studies, physical education, man’s health, elementary education, preschool education, practical psychology, geography, biology.
Out university has experience in organizing of join Bachelor degree programs (Poland, Hungary). Read more about it at
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