Ternopil National Economic University is looking for partners |
1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in ERASMUS + project: Ternopil National Economic University (TNEU) 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Today, the TNEU is a multidisciplinary educational complex consisting of 11 Faculties in different field of economics (International Business and Management; Finance; Banking; Agricultural Economics and Management; Economics and Management; Accounting and Audit; Computer and Information Technologies; Law etc.) The University offers Postgraduate studies in 16 specialties, and Doctoral studies in 4 specialties; there are 3 specialized Academic Boards for Defence of PhD Theses, and 2 specialized Academic Boards for Defence of Doctoral Theses. Ternopil National Economic University has effective educative and scientific cooperation with leading universities of Canada, the USA, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, China, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Russia, Austria, Byelorussia and other countries. TNEU is a member of the European University Association. Scientists from the University participate in the European Association for International Education. TNEU joined the Magna Charta Universitatum. 3. Information about the intended ERASMUS + project: TNEU is ready to start joint development of any new project, which is related to: KA1: • Staff mobility, in particular for teachers, lecturers; • Mobility for higher education students, vocational education and training students; • Joint Master degrees; • Mobility for higher education for EU and non-EU beneficiaries; KA2 • Strategic partnerships between education/training and other relevant actors; • Large scale partnerships between education and training establishments and business: Knowledge Alliances & Sector Skills alliances; • Promoting excellence in European integration studies in higher education. Jean Monnet actions 5. Previous international experience: TNEU has been participated successfully in 5 Tempus projects. 6. Please contact: (person, positione-mail, skype, tel etc.) Ihor Lischynskyj, Head of Department of International Cooperation Ternopil National Economic University 11 Lvivska st., 46020 Ternopil, Ukraine Phone: +38 (0352) 475071 E-mail: lischynigor@ukr.net