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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute', Chemical Engineering Faculty is looking for partners

1. Name of your university interested in participating in project:

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute', Chemical Engineering Faculty

2. Main field of activities of your institution:

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' and especially Chemical Engineering Faculty occupies a leading position among universities of Eastern Europe in the training of highly qualified specialists and conduct scientific researches in the fields of:

Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies

Automated process control

Ecology, environmental protection and balanced use of natural resources

Machines of Packaging Technology

Equipment for Forestry

Chemical production equipment and building materials enterprises

Chemical processing of wood and plant materials

3. Information about the intended project:

We are looking for partners for joint participation in projects aimed at:

1. Raise standards of teaching and sharing experiences with European universities in the field of curriculum development and use of advanced technologies of conducting the learning process.

2. Joint research in the field of information technology, automatic control theory, ecology, production technology, design and construction of machinery for various industries.

4. Project proposal/description

Our faculty is ready to sign an agreement on cooperation and joint participation in international programs and projects. We are ready to provide a large number of highly qualified specialists (professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, promising young scientists) who have a great desire to develop the science and result-oriented.

5. Previous international experience:

Chemical Engineering Faculty has a long history of working with both Ukrainian and European universities. Our latest international project was carried out under the program «Tempo» which included collaboration with several European universities and already has some significant results. Faculty also completed several projects on student exchange with universities from such countries as Italy, Germany and Poland.

For further information, please contact:

Alexey Zhuchenko, Vice Dean for International Projects of Chemical Engineering Faculty

E-mail: azhuch@ukr.net, Tel: +38(067)770-39-96, Tel: +38(044)454-9148

Cheropkin Evgeniy, Project Manager of International Projects department of Chemical Engineering Faculty

E-mail: ipd-chemeng@kpi.ua, Tel: +38(093)023-21-59


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