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Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management (Ukraine)

Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management (Ukraine) is interested in participation in the Tempus projects, focused on the interactions between the higher educational institutions and society, the economic content of the modern higher education, the construction of the knowledge economy, the   autonomy of the higher educational institutions, the innovation development of the higher educational institutions and the lifelong learning etc. Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management gives the special attention to the international cooperation in the sphere of education and science.  The Institute has the adjusted relations with the higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and some other countries.
Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management is among the ten conducting Ukrainian economic higher educational institutions.
Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management established in 1994 trains specialists in the leading modern directions of activities. The Institute trains specialists in the following programs: Accounting and Audit, Economic Cybernetics, Finances and Credit, Marketing, Management, Tourism, Agronomy, Geodesy and Cartography, Hydrotechnologies, Building, Law, Sociology, Project Management, Quality, Standardization and Certification etc. There are more than 200 teachers in the Institute; a half of them have Doctor’s degrees. Also there is a post-graduate course in the Institute.
Contacts: Prof. Irina Kalenyuk, Rector of the Chernigiv State Institute of Economics and Management
Street Striletska, 1, Chernigiv, Ukraine, index 14003
Tel. +380 4622 56170, e-mail: rector@geci.cn.ua


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Інститут Лідерства, Інновацій та Розвитку


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