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Blaise Pascal University

Blaise Pascal University (BPU) in Clermont-Ferrand-France

The President of BPU, Mrs Nadine Lavignotte, wishes to develop a Tempus project with one or several universities in the ENPI area of Eastern Europe, if possible by the two next years.

Blaise Pascal University has ten constituent units: five faculties, three schools of engineering, one university institute of technology and one university institute for teacher training. With its four doctoral schools and 36 research laboratories, BPU is a human-scale university at the forefront of teaching and research.

Contact Person: Lysiane Lelue, Project Manager, European programmes for lifelong learning and vocational training

tél. + 33 473 40 63 37

e-mail: lysiane.lelue@univ-bpclermont.fr

pour la Vice-Présidente déléguée aux relations internationales pour le Vice-Président délégué à la formation continue Université Blaise Pascal

34 avenue Carnot  - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France

www. univ-bpclermont.fr

BPU attracts 16.000 students enrolled in a pluri-disciplinary range of courses covering 250 general degree and professionally orientated programmes. It confers degrees fully recognised under the European system of Bachelor?s, Master?s and doctoral levels.

All of these disciplines in general and advanced technological training welcome applications in the area of continuing Adult Education, or for the validation of professional experience in a nationally recognised, or University certified, degree.

Convinced that links must be enhanced between higher education, training and the business world, Blaise Pascal University has developed relationship with its regional public and private surroundings. BPU is located in Clermont-Ferrand which is the capital of the Auvergne, one of Europe’s most industrialised regions in the centre of France. Auvergne is home to some large companies which offer opportunities for an internship, and to some innovative clusters, which BPU is member of.

Each year Blaise Pascal University welcomes more than 1.700 students from abroad and caters for 1.000 student departures towards approved international destinations. The university is fully committed to a very wide range of European and international exchanges ? embracing the European Credit Transfer System, lifelong learning European programmes, study grant, joint degrees, co-supervised theses, European and international collaborative research. We have today 226 international partners and 95 bilateral agreements.

Our University had signed until 2008 a cooperation agreement with the National Linguistic University of Kiev. Furthermore, some of our students are used to go for summer courses into the Odessa Mechnikov National University. Of course, it can be fruitful to strengthen our relationship with these two HEIs and we are ready to propose them a wider cooperation.


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