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Bukhara Engineering – Technological Institute of high technologies is looking for partners

Name of university: Bukhara Engineering – Technological Institute of high technologies http://www.byutmi.uz

Bukhara engineering-technical institute of high technologies has been transformed by the decision number 214 of the Cabinet of Republic Uzbekistan from July, 25th, 2011, on basis of Bukhara technological institute food and light industry with a aim of further perfection of preparation experts meeting modern requirements of market economy, and also strengthening of personnel resource base in the field of high technologies of industrial and processing branches of Republic.

There are 4 faculties at the institute:

Light and textile industry;

Technique and technology of oil and gas;

Automation of technological processes;

Food technology.

25 chairs are engaged in preparation of highly skilled engineers of undergraduate and postgraduate. The contingent of students makes 5165 bachelors and 104 masters. Institute stuff consists of 332 teachers. Whole scientific potential of institute makes 50 % from total of teachers.

The institute has 4 educational cases, the information-resource center, the test center, 2 hostels, 2 sports complexes.

Relevant information on previous or on-going international cooperation 1996, Grant of Eurasian fund for the sum of 14291 dollars for Organisation of information-consulting centre

CD_JEP-21250-2000, Establishment New Curriculum in Economics of Agricultural Commodities, Contractor: University of Greenwich (UK). Partners: Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry (UZB), Larenstein International Agricultural College (NL). 442,541, 36 months

Contacts of responsible person: Dilobar Ro’zieva, Chief of department, e-mail: dilobar.r@mail.ru, org.production@mail.ru

Assistant of doctor in Economy Bobir Azimov, Senior lecturer of the department,  e-mail: bobirazimov@mail.ru, tel: +99890 635 94 40, 99891 445 22 25

Project title: Improvement of curricula at preparation of managers with engineering bias in highly technological branches of economy

Brief need analysis 

Incomplete conformity of quality of higher technical education with science and education achievements in Uzbekistan and developing countries

 Feeble awareness of graduates in direction of Management with technical skills

 Poorly developed cooperation of higher education with enterprises

 Unsteady developed integration system between universities and enterprises

 Intensifying demand for universal (multitalented) experts in sphere of small, private and family business which occupies more and more share in GDP of Republic

But in spite of this some results in this direction were reached, particularly:

 Bukhara engineering – technical institute of high technologies co-operates with many enterprises in area, …

 Actively participates in preparations of highly-skilled specialists. Conducts considerable amount of works in field of researches …

 Created normative legal base for stimulation of natural and artificial person (bodies) in field of introduction of scientific achievements in Uzbekistan

Objectives and activities Objectives: 

Enhancement of curriculum

Creation educational - methodical bases

Upgrading quality of teaching

Creation educational – scientifically – practical Center

- Enterprise experts study

- Implementation of trainings

- Collateral execution of scientifically research works

- Creation of information base of applied workings and their introduction


Perfection of curriculum for preparation of managers for highly technological branches of economy

Creation and working out educational literatures and their publication

Creation of pedagogical technologies of trained subjects

Improvement of professional skill and retraining professional and teaching staff:

- Management teachers to technical subjects

- Technical disciplines teachers to management subjects

Creation educational – scientifically – practical Center

Training of managers and economic experts of enterprises to technological skills

Training of engineering - technical experts to skills of management

Realization of trainings for beginning businessmen

Jointly performance of scientifically research works of students, teachers and experts of enterprises

Creation of information base of production (manufacture) problems

Creation of information base of vacancy

Creation of information base of graduates

Creation of intellectual property objects base (projects, business plans, feasibility reports, models, designs, patents, licences)

Organization of joint seminars, conferences, business meetings etc.

Creation of list of kinds of rendered services of Center

Target groups and stakeholders  Enterprises, teachers and students


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