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Office in Ukraine

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Jean Monnet
Post-graduate studies Scholarships at the College of Europe

The EU (European Commission/DG Education and Culture) offers a large number of scholarships to graduates from the European Neighbourhood Policy countries for post-graduate studies at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium and Natolin, Warsaw campuses). The scholarships cover academic expenses, accommodation, meals and travel costs.
Up to ten scholarships will be offered by the Polish Government for Ukrainian students admitted to the Natolin Campus.   These scholarships will be decided after the selection procedure. Interested graduates are invited to send their application to the Admissions Office.
About scholarships for university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries
To read more about the College of Europe

Jean Monnet Proggramme results of 2011 calls for proposals announced

Congratulations to Ukrainian winners whose proposals were recommended for funding under Jean Monnet Programme 2011 Call of Proposals, such as:

- National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy received a project “Promoting European Studies in Ukraine: The European Union Centre of Excellency at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (responsible: Roman Petrov, budget 75.000,00 €).

- Donetsk State University of Management – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (responsible: Ljudmila Batchenko, budget 74.995,23 €).

- Donetsk State University of Management – Jean Monnet Module “Intercultural Europe: Diversity and Social Cohesion” (responsible: Irina Sikorskaya € budget 20.412,00 €).

- Rivne Institute of Slavonic Studies of Kyiv Slavonic University – a Jean Monnet Module “European Public Communication: practices for European Neighborhood countries” (responsible: Anton Shynkaruk budget 18.900,00 €).

- Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University – Jean Monnet Module “European Integration Advocacy Training” (responsible: Viktor Chuzhykov, budget 20.160,00 €).

- Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University - Jean Monnet Chair “Approaching towards comprehensive knowledge of the European integration in Ukraine” (responsible: Anatoliy Kruglashov, budget 30.096,00 €).

- International Association For Institutional Studies – Information and research activities on “Ukraine-EU Cooperation in Crisis Management and Disaster Risk Reduction: Sharing Best Practices, Building Effective Capabilities” (responsible: Tetyana Malyarenko budget 40.000,00 €).

Круглий стіл «Публічне управління та європейські інтеграційні процеси: ціннісний вимір», Програма Жана Моне

30 травня 2012 р. о 15.00 Харківський регіональний інститут державного управління НАДУ при Президентові України проводитиме круглий стіл «Публічне управління та європейські інтеграційні процеси: ціннісний вимір» за підтримки Програми Жана Моне та Української асоціації європейський студій.

Реєстрація: тел. + 38 (057) 732 8136 (дод 136) - Володимир Стрельцов; факс + 38 (057) 732 32 66 - Олена Гавриш;

Congratulations for Winners of the first Call of ERASMUS+ Programme - Jean Monnet Action

Results of the Call 2014 for Jean Monnet Action, ERASMUS+ Programme are announced. Seven Ukrainian universities and NGO are winners and will got grants for 10 Jean Monnet projects, total projects’ budget is about Euro 300,000. Jean Monnet Modules on finance, economy, law, social responsibility issues in the context of European experience: Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (2), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2), National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Sumy State University, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Jean Monnet Chair in the area of democracy and governance: Donetsk State University of Management; activities within Jean Monnet Policy debate: International Association For Institutional Studies

Вітання переможцям конкурсу програми Жана Моне від України 2013 р.

Congratulation for Jean Monnet winners from Ukraine:


542844 UA CHERKASY REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION Natalia Chepurna Immersion into the EU: training for school teachers Module 26.880 20.160 75%

107 542469 UA Odesa Mechnikov National University Iryna Nasadiuk European Union and Ukraine Relations in Focus: Neighbours or Members? Module 38.976 21.000 54%


108 542487 UA Національна академія державого управління Igor Grytsjak “Enhancing Visibility and Attractiveness of EU Studies in Ukraine” Jean Monnet Chair 60.720 45.000 74%

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Oleksandr Shnyrkov University Courses in European Economic Integration Jean Monnet Chair 30.272 22.704 75%

Information and Research Activities:

International Association for Institutional Studies Tetyana Malyarenko Towards a More Resilient European Neighborhood: Security Cooperation and the Management of Current and Future Threats in Europe's Strategic Orbit Information and research activities 57.100 40.000 70%

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