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Voronezh State University

Voronezh State University (Russian Federation) Faculty name The International Relations Faculty

Curricula to be modernized: 2-year Master programme “International Business” - Specialization “Business in Emerging Markets”


1. Name of your university: (YSMU) and National Institute of Health RA (NH MH RA) are looking for a new Partner-university from EU to act as a co-applicant for the TEMPUS IV, 5th call project and to include YSMU and NIH from Republic of Armenia into realization of priority programmes of Tempus: “Curricular Reform”, “Higher Education and Society”, etc., which correspond to successful activities of these organizations.

2. Main field of activities of your institution:

Main fields of YSMU and NIH activities are multifaceted and include educational, methodological and scientific activities, as well as international cooperation.

YSMU, being one of the oldest medical universities of Armenia, is still considered to be the top educational institution in the region. It offers academic programmes at all levels including undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate courses and post-doctoral studies.

BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY, ISRAEL, is looking for partners

Established in 1955, Bar-Ilan University has grown to be one of the largest universities in Israel today, with more than 1,600 instructors and 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The University continuously expands its academic programs, adapting them to the shifts and trends in Israeli and global societies, while maintaining the objective of academic excellence. Bar-Ilan University is world renowned for its research and development initiatives and its groundbreaking scientific accomplishments.

Bar-Ilan University is interested in joining the consortium in the following disciplines: nanotechnology, physics, medicine, chemistry, life sciences, biological sciences, mathematics, brain research, computers, archeology, law, political science, life sciences, biological sciences, economics, communication, sociology, criminology.

Please contact: Natalie Gordon,

Voronezh State University

Partner offer form under the theme “Curricular Reform” Voronezh State University (Russian Federation)

Faculty name Faculty of Mathematics

Curricula to be modernized: Academic discipline “Mathematics and Computer Science”

Curricula: Mathematical and Computer Modeling

Voronezh State University

Voronezh State University (Russian Federation) Faculty name: Economics, Chair of Economics and Organisations Management

Curricula to be modernized; It is planed to modernize Master Programme “Firm Management”. Academic discipline in Tempus programme: “Business and Administration” - section “Management and Administration”


The programme “Firm Management” was formed in the process of reorganisation of programme “Economics and Firm Management” according to the 3d generation standard demands. The reorganised programme has been working for 17 years. Bachelors from Russian and foreign universities are taught under the programme.

Main blocks of the programme:

Scientific cycle:

- The evolution of management theories,

- Contemporary issues of management,

- Foreign language,

- Computer technology in management,

- Philosophy,

- Sociology of management,

- Quality management,

- Corporate accounting and reporting in management system.

Professional cycle:

- Managerial economics,

- Research methods in management

- Organizationt and organizational behaviour,

- Corporate finance,

- Contemporary strategy analysis,

- Mathematical methods in management

- Topical issues of human resource management,

- State regulation of the economy,

- Legal basis of management,

- Economics and organization of the firm,

- Organizations network management,

- Corporate management,

- Organization planning system,

- Methodology of scientific research in economics and management,

- Change management,

- Innovation and investment analysis,

- Financial calculations for commercial settlements,

- Econometric models of firm,

- Business process reengineering,

- Risk management,

- Indicative management.

Blocks can be taught in English:

- Foreign language,

- Managerial Economics,

- Organizations Network Management,

- Corporate management,

- Innovation and investment analysis,

- Econometric models of firm,

- Mathematical methods in management,

- Financial calculations for commercial settlements

In the framework of the programme the following forms of international cooperation are performed:

Further education and training of teachers:

- "Business Consulting" (Training Program project "Tacis")

- "Partnership of Kent State University and a consortium of Russian Universities from Tver, Volgograd and Voronezh in business education" (in the framework of USIA “CIS Colleagues and University Partnership"),

- "Corporate Management" (Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto, Canada)

- "Management of Project and Company Development. The European Experience" (in companies of Switzerland, Germany, Austria)

Students Exchange and training:

- Internship at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) within the master program Master of European Politics and Policies.

- Students Exchange in cooperation with the University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia).

- Student exchange program DAAD (Germany).

Role in a project

Development of project as a coordinator from Russia

Analysis of needs and problems

There is a need to update the teaching of disciplines ensuring the acquisition of the following competencies:

- The ability to acquire and use new knowledge and skills

- Fluency in a foreign language as an instrument of professional communication,

- Skills of public, business and scientific communications

- Ability to develop programs for organizational development and change and ensure their implementation,

- Ability to use quantitative and qualitative methods for research and business process management,

- Knowledge of the methods for economic analysis of economic agents and markets behaviour in a global environment,

- Ability to synthesize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, to identify and formulate relevant scientific issues,

- Ability to use modern techniques and methods in management disciplines teaching,

- Ability to develop curricula and teaching materials for the teaching of management disciplines.

Partners of the faculty - potential partners of the project consortium

Partners from the Russian side are offered:

- Voronezh State University (coordinator, Voronezh)

- The State University of Management (Moscow)

- Volgograd State University (Volgograd).

Partners from EU countries are offered:

- Gumboldt University - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

- National University of Ireland, Maynooth

- University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Contact person Mrs. Elena Pilieva,

Leading specialist of Regional Information Centre

for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with EU

Voronezh State University

Tel./fax: +7-473-2207526


394006 RF Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl. 1


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