1. Name of your university interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Chernigov State Technological University, Ukraine. 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Main fields of CSTU’s activities are educational and scientific. CSTU (http://www.stu.cn.ua) provides high level training for specialists in the Computer and Software Engineering, Economics, Management, Electrical Systems and Networks and Mechanical Engineering. It educates specialists for 20 departments and 39 specialties. CSTU has extensive academic and scientific relations with companies and organizations of Chernigov region and Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
Basic information about Voronezh State University:
Voronezh State University (VSU) is one of the largest and oldest scientific and educational centres of Russia,. It was founded in 1918. The structure of VSU academic departments includes 17 faculties(Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Mechanics; Biology and Soil Science; Chemistry; Computer Sciences; Economics; Geography and Geo-ecology; Geology; History; International Relations; Journalism; Law; Mathematics; Pharmaceutics; Philology; Philosophy and Psychology; Physics; Romance and Germanic Philology.), 5 research institutes, 14 joint laboratories with the Russian Academy of Siences, 10 joint reseach and production centers with the key industrial enterprises of the region, the Centre of Nanosistem and Material industry, Technopark, Botanical Garden, a narutre reserve Galichya Gora. About 21,000 students are taught by 1,700 academic staff, including 292 professors. International students are taught and guided by the Institute of International Education. |
1. Name of university interested in participating in TEMPUS project:
International name: Faculty of Natural Science, Kherson State University, Ukraine
National name: Факультет природознавства, здоров’я людини і туризму Херсонського державного університету |
1. Name of university/institution/ industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:
International name: Kherson Institute of Economy and Law
National name: Херсонський економічно-правовий інститут
Contact: absavaa@rambler.ru
Ukraine, Kherson, Krymska 130
Tel.+380552512562 fax. +38552343625 Mob tel. +380503186938 |
Social (cultural) Anthropology is one of the most popular humanities in scientific and educational context. The necessity for training of social anthropologists is determined by acute problems facing Russian society, including increasing social and ethnic tensions (even open xenophobia) caused by general social and economic instability and growing immigration from Central Asia and Caucasia. To solve these problems we need experts assistance, we need social anthropologists who can assess and respond to modern challenges and risks using modern knowledge. Their skills will contribute to prevent and resolve conflicts (ethnic, religious and cultural) and to plan long-term development strategies – in business, social and cultural spheres.
In 2010 Russian Ministry of Education approved a federal educational standard of higher education of master’s program № 032 400 – "Anthropology and Ethnology."
The master Social Anthropology program at the History Department at Tomsk State University is aimed for training such experts.
To integrate Russian Social Anthropology Higher Education in international practices and approaches system
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