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Multimedia class – pride of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

The multimedia class with modern techniques functions in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics with the active support of the chancellor of the university А.А. Mazaraki at the expense of the financing of the European Commission according to the Programme TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation and DEvelopement de cours Professionnalises) ETJ - JP - 00408-2008 and partial financing of the university.

Multimedia technologies used in the classroom G-207 KNUTE give the possibility to reach a new level of teaching of foreign languages, raise the scope for self-reliant work of students and provide conditions for distant education.

Miltimedia classroom is oriented for the work of pilot groups of students of the programme TEMPUS, The Centre of foreign business language and likewise for training of the teachers of KNUTE with the aim of introducing English-speaking Magister educational programme.

It's important that software is used for functioning of this classroom (European grant accounting) either teaching of English and French or carrying out business games from such disciplines as management External economics activity, financial analysis, etc.

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