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MPAM boosts development of Mechatronics master courses in Russia and Ukraine at study visits

In March 2012, realization of a EU-funded Tempus project “EU-PC Double Degree Master Program in Automation / Mechatronics (MPAM)” received a powerful impulse in its development from implementation of one of the first and most important activities – study visits of partner countries' representatives to European universities. Altogether, 43 representatives of four Russian, four Ukrainian universities and a Ukrainian enterprise has participated in the study visits.

Technical University of Liberec, Сzech Republic (Grant holder) has received 12 participants of working groups (WGs) during March 12-18 visit, Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria — 14 participants during March 12-18 visit, and Blaise Pascal University, France — 17 participants during March 5-11 visit.

Members of WG1 and WG2, responsible for Curriculum, Syllabi and teaching materials of the Mechatronics Master Program and development of a technology for Double degree students' training have benefited from learning about curriculum and syllabi of EU partners' Master courses.

In Blaise Pascal University, WGs members have benefited from visits to Center of Technology Transfer – Engineering school on the technological campus (CTT/IFMA), Pascal Institute and VIPALab, getting acquainted with the technological base of the university.

An important stage of project team work at Technical University Sofia was a visit to university laboratories Low Cost Automation, Mechatronics, SKF, Live cycle. It showed the depth of the teaching of certain subjects, the relationship of theoretical and practical knowledge in this area and their compliance with the requirements of modern industry.

In Technical University of Liberec, visits to three laboratories of mechatronic engineering have contributed to analysis of the laboratory facilities for teaching of masters in mechatronics and possible International Hybrid Learning Space development.

Members of WG3, responsible for develop EU based Quality Assurance System (QAS), has benefited from intensive workshops on Quality, including presentations of EU representatives on different aspects of quality assurance system, role of international relations department and examples of quality assurance in international projects. Members of WG4, responsible for develop an International Hybrid Learning Space (IHLS) interlinked the real and virtual learning spaces for training the JMP students, has benefited from an intensive workshop on IHLS, including a study visit to BPU Center for languages and Multimedia, as well as presentation of different tools for distance learning and hybrid learning. In Technical University of Liberec, participants learned about TUL achievements with Advanced Learning Space Project, which is an example of strong e-learning portal with a system for lecturers streaming in advanced format (richmedia) and improving students – teacher dialogue.

Conduction of study visits has provided conditions for intensive communication and experience exchange, uniting partner countries and European members of working group in a professional and highly-motivated team, aimed at achievement of common goals. The experience, obtained by PC representatives during the study visits, helps working groups members in realization of further activities, including development of draft Curriculums of Joint EU-PC Master Program in Automation/Mechatronics.

MPAM is a cross regional joint project with priority on curricula reform and duration from 15 October 2011 to 14 October 2014. Ukrainian Project Partners: National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Sevastopol National Technical University, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Scientific and production enterprise KIA, Ltd. More information may be found on participants' web-sites. For any question regarding the project, please, do not hesitate to contact Milena Zherdiy at


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