Національний Темпус / Еразмус+ 
офіс в Україні

Інформаційно-аналітичні матеріали
Mobility and lifelong learning instruments

There are several related initiatives to help make qualifications, experiences and skills better appreciated and easier to recognise throughout the EU. The aim is to give greater access to learning or employment opportunities in different countries and encourage greater mobility – for individuals, businesses and other organisations.

  • Europass helps people make their qualifications and skills better understood and recognised throughout Europe, increasing their employment prospects. Its web portal includes interactive tools that, for example, allow users to create a CV in a common European format.

Summer School on Cross-Border Cooperation in the Black Sea Region

Summer School on Cross-Border Cooperation in the Black Sea Region, Batumi, Georgia

With the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, A Project of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. and Robert Bosch Stiftung The Georgian Institute of Politics is announcing a call for applications from young academics, graduate or postgraduate students, and civil society activists to take part in a summer school on Cross-Border Cooperation in the Black Sea Region. The Summer School is designed to examine cross-border cooperation, its opportunities and challenges within this geographical area, learning also from European experience and values.

Programme Description:

EU Neighbourhood Library – 700 documents already online

The EU Neighbourhood Library is a user-friendly online information resource bringing together the key documents that guide EU relations with the ENP and ENPI partner countries.

This library allows you to search and download a wide range of materials, from Association Agreements and Country reports to essential policy documents generated by EU-funded projects. The search can be made by country, by theme, by source, by policy, by date of publication and by key word.

To read more visit: http://www.enpi-info.eu/main.php?id_type=1&id=28105&lang_id=450

Key Data on Education in Europe 2012

Dear Educators! To your attention - a new publication of Eurydice on education: Key Data on Education in Europe 2012.

Several Member States, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria and Belgium, may face serious teacher shortages in the future, according to a new report published by the European Commission.

The report, entitled 'Key Data on Education in Europe 2012', was presented to EU Education Ministers at their meeting in Brussels on 10 February. It shows that the number of graduates specialising in education is falling at a time when many current teachers are approaching retirement age. But it also highlights encouraging signs: funding for education is stable in most Member States and it underlines that higher education remains the best insurance policy against unemployment, with graduates more likely to find a job faster than non-graduates.

"This report is an invaluable resource for policy-makers and provides important guidance for future decisions. The professional development of teachers is a key factor in ensuring high quality education for our students. That's why Erasmus for All [the Commission's proposed new programme for education, training and youth] aims to strengthen the professional development of teaching staff while at the same time modernising education systems," commented Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.

The report finds that targeted training for teachers, such as mentoring, guidance for assessment and classroom observation, is now more widespread across Europe. However, these measures have not been sufficient to increase the attractiveness of teaching.

The report finds that the share of the population with a tertiary qualification has risen and that graduates find jobs twice as quickly as people with lower qualifications (5 months compared to 9.8 months). This finding shows that the European Union's 2020 target for a 40% level of higher education attainment is supported by solid evidence; however it is also clear that graduates are increasingly over-qualified for their jobs and that some professions offer better employment perspectives than others; the choice of course is therefore increasingly important.

Resourse: European Commission: Education and Training

More information at http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/key_data_en.php

Other useful publications at http://ec.europa.eu/education/more-information/reports-and-studies_en.htm

Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF)

The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) is Europe’s largest general science meeting and is held in a leading Europe city every two years. ESOF 2012 will be hosted in Dublin, Ireland from July 11th-15th, 2012. ESOF is an interdisciplinary, pan-European meeting, which showcases the latest advances in science and technology; promotes a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy; and stimulates and provokes public interest, excitement and debate about science and technology.

Speakers will include: Mary Robinson (former president of Ireland and President of the Foundation for Climate Justice); Maire Geoghegan Quinn (European Commissioner for Research and Innovation); Jules Hoffnman (Nobel Laureate 2011); Craig Venter (J. Craig Venter Institute); Helga Nowotny (President of the European Research Council) and Bob Geldof (Human rights campaigner and former Boomtown Rat!).


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