20-10-2011. The European Union has identified greater engagement in education as a crucial element of its new approach towards its Neighbourhood partners, with €66 million earmarked for its Erasmus Mundus II programme (2009-2013).
A strengthened engagement in the area of education is a crucial element of the new approach towards the ENP countries, outlined in the EU Communication on ‘A new response to a changing Neighbourhood’ – the culmination of a comprehensive review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).
In the context of recent developments in the southern Mediterranean, the EU is paying particular attention to actions in favour of young people in the region, who play an important role in the ongoing democratisation process to emerge from the events of the Arab Spring.
Furthermore, most ENP countries continue to be on a transition towards establishing fully-fledged market economies. In this context, partner country institutions, including higher education institutions, are under strong pressure to provide the skills required by these new economic conditions.
Support for partner country institutions in their reform efforts and in establishing people-to-people cooperation, especially in the field of higher education, is therefore needed and can contribute to mutual understanding between people, countries and cultures in the EU's Neighbouring countries.
Erasmus Mundus
The European Commission has issued a call for proposals worth almost €100 million for 2011 in the framework of the EU-funded programme Erasmus Mundus II. Of this, €36 million is available for ENPI countries, south and east, under Erasmus Mundus Partnerships, aiming at a minimum mobility of 1,090 individuals. To read more visit: http://www.enpi-info.eu/main.php?id_type=1&id=23677&lang_id=450
The MA Advanced Development in Social Work (ADVANCES) is designed for social workers who want to upgrade their professional skills and knowledge, especially with a transnational focus. Participants will study in five leading universities across Europe. Full details are available on the website www.socialworkadvances.org and the application deadline for candidates wishing to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus student scholarship is 1 January 2013.
The ADVANCES team www.socialworkadvances.org | info@socialworkadvances.org
Європейська Комісія прийняла рішення стосовно фінансування переможців конкурсів в рамках трьох компонентів Програми Еразмус Мундус.
За першим компонентом «Спільні програми» обрано 29 нових магістерських програм та 9 докторських програм, що пропонуватимуться консорціумами університетів протягом п’яти років, починаючи з 2011-2012 навчального року. Хоча до складу консорціумів переважно входять європейські університети, щорічно збільшується кількість партнерів, що представляють треті країни: Косово, Ліван, Марокко, Росію, Туніс, Хорватію. По завершенні конкурсу 2010 року загальна кількість спільних магістерських програм Еразмус Мундус досягла 124, спільних докторських програм – 22, які відкриті для студентів та професорсько-викладацького складу з усього світу в тому числі і з України. |
European Commission adopted Financing Decision for EU funding in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Strand 1 Partnerships where Ukraine participates in Lot 7, together with Moldova and Belarus.
The selected consortium is led by Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain.
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