1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project:
State higher educational institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University ”, Center of Distance Learning and Knowledge Control, UKRAINE
2. Main field of activities of your institution:
introduction of modern information and communication technologies, especially e-learning;
automatization and management of processes distance education;
formation of a single information-educational environment of the organization;
building educational portals organization;
ensure the cooperation of the university with national and international educational institutions and agencies and other market participants of e-learning.
3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: e-learning
4. Project proposal/description: modernization of the existing education system by introducing an adaptive system of distance learning and knowledge control with the use of the student model
5. Previous international experience: E-Learning-Weiterbildungsnetzwerk im Tourismus (Belarus, Georgien und Ukraine) – WeNeT, 158739-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS JPHES WeNeT
Please contact: (person, positione-mail, skype, tel etc.) Nataliya Pavlyuk, natalia_iva80@mail.ru