Національний Темпус / Еразмус+ 
офіс в Україні

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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

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National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens is looking for Ukrainian Universities as partners in Tempus project.

The interested in proposed project partners must fill and send to my email address below the requested information in attachment.

Contact Person: Maria G. Ioannides, Professor

National Technical University of Athens

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15773, Athens, Greece

tel +30-210-7723791, tel/fax +30-210-7722584

e-mail: mioannid@ece.ntua.gr

Blaise Pascal University

Blaise Pascal University (BPU) in Clermont-Ferrand-France

The President of BPU, Mrs Nadine Lavignotte, wishes to develop a Tempus project with one or several universities in the ENPI area of Eastern Europe, if possible by the two next years.

Blaise Pascal University has ten constituent units: five faculties, three schools of engineering, one university institute of technology and one university institute for teacher training. With its four doctoral schools and 36 research laboratories, BPU is a human-scale university at the forefront of teaching and research.

Contact Person: Lysiane Lelue, Project Manager, European programmes for lifelong learning and vocational training

tél. + 33 473 40 63 37

e-mail: lysiane.lelue@univ-bpclermont.fr

pour la Vice-Présidente déléguée aux relations internationales pour le Vice-Président délégué à la formation continue Université Blaise Pascal

34 avenue Carnot  - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France

www. univ-bpclermont.fr

Ukrainian Catholic University

Proposal of academic collaboration of the Ukrainian Catholic University in the frameworks of TEMPUS Program

Being a non-governmental higher education institution with special commitment to liberal arts education, the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Lviv has built the model of the independent university in the post-communist setting and aims at instituting and enhancing efficient and transparent relationships with its local and global stakeholders.

Contact: Olena Dzhedzhora, Department of International Academic Relations, Director

Sventsitskoho str., 17, Lviv – 79011, Ukraine

tel. (38-032) 240-99-40/ext.261; fax (38-032) 240-99-50

e-mail: odz@ucu.edu.ua

web: www.ucu.edu.ua

Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism

Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism is the only one state university of arts and culture in the Crimea.

The University will be pleased to be a partner in Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programmes.

THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF RESEARCH WORK OF UNIVERSITY FACULTIES AND DEPARTMENTS:Educational reform in universities of art, culture and humanitarian; Anthropology, cultural anthropology, visual anthropology;Arts; Culture; Museum Studies; Library Science.

Contact person: Danishevskaya Helena, Head of Department of International Relations of Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism.

 Kiivskaya str. 39, Simferopol, Ukraine

tel. +3 0652 274403

fax. +3 0652 517732

mob tel. тел. +3 067 1365610

e-mail: danishevskaja@rambler.ru, kukiit2005@gmail.com

Volyn Institute for Economics & Management

Volyn Institute for Economics & Management (VIEM) is ready to cooperate with higher educational establishments and to participate in TEMPUS projects. Main fields of activity of the institute:

1) Higher education (Economics & Entrepreneurship; Management; Philology);

2) Scientific activity;

3) Consulting of commercial activity and management;

4) Training Activity.

Contacts: Anna Ternavska, International Cooperation Assistant

E-mail address: anna_ternavska@mail.ru, Telephone: +38 050 293 78 73


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