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University of Bucharest

The aim of the team is to develop a TEMPUS partnership project for knowledge and best practice transfer and also to create a network of professionals able to adapt and develop the appropriate tools for education, interpretation, training/ retraining and promotion of sustainable development, earth and life sciences, physical planning, geoparks, geotourism.

We are seeking for a direct involvement for project design and development in the fields of: Earth Sciences, Education (outdoor learning), Nature conservation (natural and cultural parks), Sustainable Development (Geoparks, national, regional and local development strategies), Design and set-up of educational programs, New courses (bachelor, master, doctorate), New departments, Training and retraining centers and related educational materials, for students, university teachers, secondary and high school teachers, professionals and local administrations.

International relations: During the last 22 years the staff of the university has been taking an active part in international educational and grant programs financed like: TEMPUS, Global Environmental Facilities, World Bank, National funds, international funds form different countries (European countries, USA, Japan, China) and European Commission.


Besides, the university hosts teaching staff and students in the frame of ERASMUS program, including ERASMUS Mundus and other international programs from more than 30 countries.

The team has good experience in national and international cooperation projects (TEMPUS, Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, World Bank, Phare).

Contacts: Dr.  Alexandru Andrasanu, Head of the Department of  Geology, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest

Mob: +40721270775, e-mail: mesajalex@yahoo.com


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