Національний Темпус / Еразмус+ 
офіс в Україні

Latest Statistics for Tempus IV

The detailed statistics on Tempus projects (by country, region and type of project). As usual, these are also available on the following website, where you can find statistics on each call for proposals since the start of Tempus IV http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/results_compendia/statistics_en.php

Projects by region and partner country and Projects and partners by country (EU and Partner Countries) for all Tempus IV calls at http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/results_compendia/statistics_en.php

A table showing the details of all accepted Tempus IV projects, including information on all partners and the project summaries: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/results_compendia/projects_description_en.php

Повний список проектів конкурсу: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/results_compendia/results_en.php

Опис поточних проектів програми ЄС Темпус IV - 94 проекти і Таблиця проектів для пошуку інформації за різними критеріями:http://www.erasmusplus.org.ua/2014-05-30-14-56-19/prezentatsii/category/6-novyny-ta-baza-proektiv.html


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